mercoledì 25 gennaio 2012

Star-doom - Il destino nelle stelle

Do you believe your destiny is written in the stars?
I don't.
But, as they say, you'll never know, hence I read my horoscope.

I started reading it with a friend of mine just for fun.
We found this website which provided a daily, weekly and monthly prevision, along with Chinese, Maya, Celtic and other varied foresights. It also featured 'the frase of the day', a surreal aforism, different for each sign, that made us giggle like teenagers.

Rob Brezsney
I'm the one that always brings horoscopes to the New Year's Eve party. I'm the one that skips all the news in Metro to directly read how my day will be.

Recently I've been introduced to Rob Brezsny's cryptic horoscope, but in the Italian version which is much more fun. (

According to the stars, 2012 is going to be a bit of a hard year.

My horoscope on my hometown newspaper forecast I will be floating in a state of uncertainty and gain weight (?!) until June.
Well, I can easily cope with uncertainty, since it is quite a natural state for me, but this thing of gaining extra-load is really upsetting me.
My only hope is that my horoscope is as wrong as the 2010 one, which predicted that I would most likely get married and for sure got pregnant.
The rest of the year should go better.

Last Monday, 23rd Jan, was the Chinese New Year. We've just entered the Year of the Dragon.

A Korean friend (it is also South Korea's New Year) predicted that it is going to be a good year.
Some other sources partially disagree with this and they say that there's going to be trouble for those who were born in the Year of the Dog. I'm on of those. Lucky me.

Chinese year follows the lunar cycle and God knows how much the Moon affects me both as a woman and as a Scorpio.

So far the year didn't start very well.
The first week was all work and no fun. I had trouble with transports. A few disappointments for work-related matters, annoying (but not serious) health issues, along with a series of harmless events that managed to make me feel down, triggered my grimmest mood.

On 23rd I received a Fortune Cookie with my coffee.

'All good things come to you if you wait' awkwardly sounds like doom, since patience is not one of my main talents. And I can't help thinking that 'good things' might refer to 'diet and working-out'...

Will the stars be right?
What am I supposed to do? Hanging on until June, far from the fridge?

It is indeed an uncertain moment. I don't even know where I'll be in a month.
In the last weeks, though, back in the West Welsh Coast, I've been blessed by some starry nights.
All the endless, expanding, ever-existing universe there, above your poor mortal head, is a bit of a daze.
No wonder we think it can see ahead of us. I just hope it is myopic.

1 commento:

  1. Tears of laughter shall be wiped soon. Monkey-Libras will be excellent godfathers/mothers if that may give you some kind of encourage in your progenitress fate.
