"Training does not teach how to act, how to be clever, does not prepare one for creation. Training is a process of self-definition, a process of self-discipline which manifests itself indissolubly through physical reactions." Eugenio Barba.
There's this thing which is called "permanent education" - maybe this is a rough translation from the Italian formazione permante. The idea is great but the application differs in different cultures and places.
Learning it's like a landscape. Wherever you go there is some. Still, we have but one life and can't exhaust its possibilities. Landscape is ever-changing and ever-changing are the sights and the people looking at it. Man changes the landscape and can change his/her way of looking at it.
What about the other way around? For a landscape is a musical and spacial partitura (score) that affects our mind and body: the thought flows while body responds. This last is a big issue for me.
The landscape in which we move or stand still has a lot to do with what we are. I'm not just talking about the landscape in its strictly geographical connotation, but also the one made of our social and affective connections, the one of our working or interests field, the one in our minds.
I was born in a plain by a large river heading Est to the sea. You can see the Appenines sweetly growing South and you know their other ridge is looking at another sea. When the sky is clear you can see the whole crown of the snowy topped Alps, a loose embracing North and West. And even further the soft cradle of the Mediterranean and the European continent hood. There, where the 45° parallel ploughs through, everything is settled, no problems of horientation.
And in between and across, all those ancient remains of thousand lives and humanity. Monuments everywhere. They're so many you just get used to them and they end up blurring in your sight. Memories are taken for granted. Art is part of the lanscape and is taken for granted. There is a point when it becomes overwelming, for it seems you can't do anything about it, you can't add anything to it, for all those ancient stone are there to remind you something grand was done before you, and it was made so well there's no point in trying making more. There is no space. You won't even raise a point about it.
Well, I needed a new lanscape, so I left. And now that I've encountered so many, seems like I just can't get enough.
You can either choose to be in a landscape, to be part of it, or act in a landscape. That's what makes the difference of your existence on earth.
I trained a whole life to be ready to act in a lanscape. I tried so hard to store kwnoledge in order to make something out of it. In Italy I feel like everybody and everything keeps repeating that it's not enough, I should wait and learn more before acting. But it will never be enough, that is clear. It's been clear for ages. There are parts of the world where I felt I was given chances to try. It is my responsability not to let them drop off.
My present landscape some times is a desert and some times is an anthill.
In both there is room for one more ant.
What is your landscape?
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