sabato 13 agosto 2011

Edinburgh's Diaries - a declaration of intents

What is there to see at Edinburgh's Fringe Festival (5-29 August)?

(Italian translation: tanta roba! - Pt: bué!)

Without the precious suggestions of many friends I wouldn't have had a clue on what to choose.
The programmed offer is displayed in a colorful magazine that is bigger than my hometown phone book. (But the design is simply ugly).

There is also a blue and an orange version. No comment.

Booking tickets in advance, especially for big names or venues, is a good idea.

I wanted to have a look at the British production, especially in devised and physical theatre, but also seeing some worthy big company, some dance and whatever seemed interesting.
8 shows in 3 days + 2 visits to the National Gallery of Scotland.

Not bad, I'd say.

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