giovedì 29 marzo 2012

Other landscapes and beyond

My Inov-Art adventure is finally over.
The closing meeting was last February in Guimarães (Portugal), 2012 European Capital of Culture.

The Inov-Art Program is a one-of-a-kind program that, on its 3rd edition in 2011, provided 150 grants for professional internships in any art field, to be carried out outside Portugal. Internships lasted 3 to 6 months, from July to December 2011.

It was also open to non-Portuguese that have lived in Portugal for at least one year.
I don't know any other country that has such a program and wants to invest so much in providing professional experience for culture-related jobs.

Inov-Art is founded by the Portuguese General Direction of the Arts (DGArtes), part of the former Ministry of Culture. Yes, FORMER, because the new Portuguese prime minister, Mr. Passos Coelho, elected early in 2011 summer, ELIMINATED the MINISTRY OF CULTURE.

Can a country live without culture?

Giulio Tremonti, former Italian Minister of Finance, said "You cannot eat with culture".
Dear Giulio, you are sooo wrong.
It is an important business, as many economic studies prove, and I shouldn't be the one to say it.

Wherever you are from, have you ever been abroad? What do foreigners know about your country? What is the first thing that pop into their heads?

I already described what happens as people find out that I'm Italian (
They think of our "beauties". But they only know the old ones. Why?

1: These beauties have had some centuries to promote themselves and consolidate their fame.
2: There so old that they are remarkable only because of that.
3: More recent art is not promoted (I don't mean at all but not as much as it should be).

But this is Italy. It needs a huge change of conceptual landscapes - a changeover for fresh and new people and thoughts. And it needs to go beyond the comfort of the conviction that our beautiful artistic and naturalist landscapes are a certainty, for if we don't take care of them, they will simply disappear. 

It's been a long time since the Homo Sapiens lived only for responding to his biological needs.

What is your country famous for? What makes it recognizable?

Why do people want to visit it and get to know it better?

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